Home News AIO 5 V32 for iOS 8+ 5S5C released in NORMAL software

AIO 5 V32 for iOS 8+ 5S5C released in NORMAL software

Published on October 14, 2014 by in News, Updates

we have released a new update in AIO 5 SW firmware V32. This should work with many of the available simcards and has been tested to work better on iOS 8+ phones. More updates are available for testing in the test software if this one does not fit your needs but we thing is among the best releases yet anyway.

Also we are testing now V32 for AIO 4S (witch is an much improved V24 to be used on iOS 8+ and new and old simcards). This is also available now in the test software and we plan to release it in few days in the normal software.

You can post comments here about V32 for AIO 5 and we will try to help.

P. S. To force the software to load the new updates please delete the tmp directory contents or press SHIFT while the software is loading.

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19 Comments  comments 

19 Responses

  1. can this update make 3g or 2g on iphone 5s sprint?

    • Admin

      No, this update just solves problems in acquiring 2G signal with some cards. Of course you will be able to get 3G but then incoming calls might have problems and you need to use iRose or similar software to force the phone to use the 2G network (with EDGE data).

  2. Mikhail

    Tell me please, what is needed IMSI for iPhone 5S Softbank ios 8.0.2
    do not work
    imei 357994052390112

  3. Hi TEAM! Is this same with V32 5S/5C on Test server? Or maybe changed a little bit?

  4. Wojtek

    Good question THoMZoNE.NeT Admin please let us know differences between different V32 versions. We promised to send feedback hehe 😉

  5. Mikhail

    hello, tell me how to unlock iphone 5s Sprint 8.0.2?
    Tried v32 phone goes into activation

  6. alex

    who have tested it ? working ok ?
    i tried 5c t-mobile usa ios 8.0.2 , work calls, messages , cellular data only edge , problem is when you restart phone it asks again for activation and need to be activated through wifi , after activation again needed to install irose patch to receive calls , this happens everytime you shut down the phone and turn it on

  7. Radu

    Is it working on ios 8.1 ? I have one 5s uk ee and activation required popup screen appears . Put imsi 23433.

    • Yes, its working all with 8.1

      • alex

        do you have the same problem as me ?
        i tried 5c t-mobile usa ios 8.0.2 and 8.1 , work calls, messages , no cellular data , problem is when you restart phone it asks again for activation and need to be activated through wifi , after activation again needed to install irose patch to receive calls , this happens everytime you shut down the phone and turn it on

    • leo

      Radu! Please tell whether you could at last pass through activation on your 5s EE iOS 8.1 and with what data?

  8. robert

    I have a problem with the iPhone 5c at & t,
    does not work with any sim Poland
    every time requires activation

    [info] [COM2] checking …
    [info] ATR size:15
    [info] AIO 5 SN: 5D2721D4 detected
    [info] AIO is in NORMAL mode
    [sett] input IMSI: 310410347359229
    [sett] raw IMSI size:6 data:39 01 14 30 74 53 29 92
    [sett] input ICCID: 89014103243473592290
    [sett] raw ICCID size:0 data:98 10 14 30 42 43 37 95 22 09
    [sett] raw GID1 size:0 data:FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
    [sett] raw GID2 size:0 data:FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
    [sett] raw forcesim = 01
    [sett] raw delay = 25
    [sett] raw speed = FF
    [sett] raw mnclength = 03
    [info] AIO SN: 0x5D2721D4

  9. Алексей

    hi! please help! dont work sms on iphone 5s sprint 8.3. How fis this problem?

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