Home Updates iPhone 5 update V3 – Activation only update !

iPhone 5 update V3 – Activation only update !

Published on January 29, 2013 by in Updates

Today we release the V3 update for iPhone 5 for the purpose of activating the phone! It’s working for all iPhone 5 version including the latest iOS 6.1. All simcards including nano sim cards are compatible. Just program the correct settings and insert AIO5 together with any simcard and you will be able to activate your iPhone 5.

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21 Responses

  1. Sam

    Please publish step by step guide on programming Sprint and Verizon iPhone 5 with iOS 6.1

  2. carranking

    I have dowload update v3 for my iphone 5 IOS 6.0 and I have some problem with the activation phone.. where download ?

    • Admin

      What problem do you have ? What simcard are you using and from what network ?

      • carranking

        Hi i have a AIO SIM FOR IPHONE 5 my problem is with each turn off my iphone i have to unloked my iphone with this numbers 3100200 and next my iphone is unloked but wenth i want to use my network company apper after a message (YOUR IPHONE CANT ACTIVE) IGNORE OR TRY SO just push ignore and apper my networ company MOVISTAR mexico but i have other problem i cant conected to internet network 3g so i be configurate my APN sethings in my iphone with the next APP (APN CHARGER) i founded this app in internet can you help me with my problem.

  3. Andrew

    Hi i won’t know some information, what you mean on update V3 – ACTIVATION ONLY
    This update can only be used for activation purposes!
    Supported settings (IMSI, ICCID, GID1) including nano simcards.

    It’s not working with network it’s only need for active iPhone on 6.1?? THNX

  4. descarado

    Hi, waiting for response acction please contactme , wait for shipping package,sorry that is not the right place but I have not received any response lately ..


  5. Draover

    How realese new update for the always windows activate on iphone with chip iusacell and new chip v6 nanosim telcel, please

  6. Sam

    I purchase the AIO SIM from EBAY – Hahngroup. When I updated the SIM it says only 10 FREE updates remaining for your AIO5. As per your site it should come with 20 FREE Updates. Please let me know how to address this issue

    [00:15:17] [SETTINGS] Unlock Delay is 25.
    [00:15:17] [SETTINGS] IMSI: 310120047359229
    [00:15:17] [SETTINGS] ICCID: 00014103243473592290
    [00:15:17] No GID1 will be used!
    [00:15:17] [INFO] Selected update V3 – ACTIVATION ONLY
    [00:15:17] [INFO] AIO SIM 5 SN: 0x7EEF045C
    [00:15:19] [SERVER] 10 FREE updates remaining for your AIO5
    [00:15:38] [OK] Settings applied successfully!
    [00:15:38] [INFO] AIO SIM 5 update complete

    • Admin

      You don’t have to worry. iPhone 5 counter is indeed at 10 but we are resetting it to 0 in case you deplete your 10 updates. So can be even more than 20.. Just post here the serial of your AIO and we will reset to 0.

      • descarado

        please check

        Shopping Cart Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 7MJ417716P8822504)


        20 ene 2013 22:44:03 PST

        Id. t: 7MJ417716P8822504


  7. Andrew

    please can you make me some update i have reached it, S/N 0x16E3F7C6

  8. Nikita

    Украина, оператор Life 🙂

    Короче, у кого не работает смотрите что надо делать. Когда отресторили айфон, джейлбрейкнули его, потом удаляете все как описано в тексте(так же не забудьте ужалить плисты в подпапках той папки их атм штук 5-6) вынимаете свою AIO и вставляете только сим своего оператора. Ждете когда загрузится и высветит activation needed — вставляете с AIO и вуаля. Все заработало. Иначе будет писать что нет сети (хотя будет работать) и не будет инета с смс.

    Это нужно, чтобы без AIO айфон выкачал бандлы для вашего оператора. С АИО это невозможно.

    – AFTER DELETEING FILES .PLIST (ALSO NOTE THAT DELETE ALL PLISTS IN ALL SUBDIRECTORIES) restart yout iphone without AIO, wait for activation message and than only put your aio inside. This is very important step, otherwise you get “no services” insead of operators name and NO edge or SMS working.

  9. alexander

    можно поподробнее где эти .PLIST файлы расположены ?

  10. efendi

    please info for imsi iphone 5 from hucthison irlandia…

  11. fito

    I got Sprint Iphone 5 after restoring my iphone I put AIO 5 (v3 updated) together with tmobile nano-sim, nothing happened, it is not working? what can I do help.

  12. Vell

    What about 6.1.3? Does it work?

  13. Alex

    Can not activate the iPhone 5 – ios 6.0.2 – Sasktel Canada CAN
    Write on the AIO 5 – V3 – Activation
    Turn on the phone with a SIM card installed AIO 5 get the message:
    SIM Failure
    Insert a valid SIM with no PIN lock to activate iPhone.
    What’s the problem?

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