Some AIO-SIM customers will be happy today as we have good news of a working jailbreak for iOS 6, 6.0.1, 6.1 for all devices including iPhone 4s and iPhone 5.
The steps to solving SMS problems for Sprint are:
- Jailbreak –
- Install iFunBox –
- Go to Raw File System – “System\Library\Carrier Bundles\” and delete 3 directories that need to be deleted:
- 310120 ( this can be either a file – symbolic link or directory depending what software you use to browse your iPhone )
- Sprint_LTE_US.bundle
- Sprint_Virgin_US.bunde
- Goto Raw File System – “var\Wireless\Library” and delete all the .plist files you can find there (not all dirs just the plist files !!)
- Reboot and use AIO-SIM to unlock !
The same steps apply for other carriers only the files that you need to delete are different depeding on carrier’s network IMSI.
One of our users found out that if the carrier card is inserted without and then AIO-SIM is used (in this order) network name and EDGE/3G problem will be also solved. We confirm that this is a valid procedure and we ask you to test. Here is the post of our user Nikita:
“Украина, оператор Life Короче, у кого не работает смотрите что надо делать. Когда отресторили айфон, джейлбрейкнули его, потом удаляете все как описано в тексте(так же не забудьте ужалить плисты в подпапках той папки их атм штук 5-6) вынимаете свою AIO и вставляете только сим своего оператора. Ждете когда загрузится и высветит activation needed — вставляете с AIO и вуаля. Все заработало. Иначе будет писать что нет сети (хотя будет работать) и не будет инета с смс. Это нужно, чтобы без AIO айфон выкачал бандлы для вашего оператора. С АИО это невозможно.
FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING: AFTER DELETEING FILES .PLIST (ALSO NOTE THAT DELETE ALL PLISTS IN ALL SUBDIRECTORIES) restart yout iphone without AIO, wait for activation message and than only put your aio inside. This is very important step, otherwise you get “no services” instead of operators name and NO edge or SMS working.
AIO-SIM Community is thanking you Nikita and AIO-SIM Team also thanks you!
I can’t find 310120 folder, where is it?? I also deleted Sprint_LTE_US.bundle, Sprint_Virgin_US.bunde, and there was only one .plist file in var\Wireless\Library, but 3g and sms are still not working..
please help
I have tested with the latest 6.1 iPhone 5, do you use the same ?
yeap, iphone 5 ios 6.1
please update for the latest ios, I think most people are running ios 6.1, so we need to resolve it
Look also for the file named 310120 (cause this is a link of some sort) depending on witch software/way you use to look at the files.
Iphone 5 6.1
did all the instructions! nothing works …
Internet even no icon and sms pretends otrpalyaet but destination is failing!
That is strange, maybe you should check first that the SMS message center of the card is correct by trying in another phone like an HTC and modifying it.
where that money disappear!!
I will follow up tomorrow on this issue. I wait first for more users to make tests. About the money i don’t really understand …
hello i purchase these items but i get a signal and goes to activation mode and cant proceed i have the no cut chips did a update to v28 and choose seting for verizon cdma i have a iphone 4s cmda verizon nothing is working
Admin, can you make video with sms and 3G?
Will you give also any solutions for iPhone 5 and USIM?
Yes i can make. I was waiting thow to see more people post reports here of what they tried and if it worked or not.
It’s not working.
NO any bundles are using after deleting 310120. No carier name on screen, after 5-10-20 minutes. iPhone also not using Unknown_bundle. All the same – calls and sms, but no network name, cannot send sms
Sorry, SMS – working. 3G/E – no.
no sms and imessage working, but no internet.. please fix that, we really need for 3g internet for iphone
now sms and imessage working, but no internet.. please fix that, we really need for 3g internet for iphone
use this: this is an APN changer, if you want to know how can you use that, watch this tutorial:
Under the post you can change the language. sorry fixed…
didn’t help for me..
:O Too bad…
it don’t work with USIM MTS RUS. Software gevey v24. Only call and sms!
Sorry, I wasn’t right! USIM mts Sprint iPhone 4s iOs 6.0.1.
Working all! Sms and 3G!
как изменить смс центр на мегафоне?
у меня мегафон,сделал как написано в инструкцие
но после когда отправляю смс,оно отправляется,после чего приходит смс от мегафона о подключении какой то платной услуги.а до адресата не доходит смс.
я так понял,что смс центр спринта остался и совпадает с какой то платной комбинацией на Мегафон
Напиши на английском!
please, write on English!
У нас в Украине такая же хуйня. Анекдотов назаказывал. Благо оператор молодец, я позвонил они запретили возможности отправки смс на платные номера всяких лохотронов.
Yes. sms work but 3g and edge not work.
try to restore your iphone with the aio sim 5 inside the phone..
Admin, do you have any results with 3G/E? It’s still not working on iPhone 5 sprint.
All work! SPrint 6.1! Thanks!
Please note that hotspot on 1.01.00 doesn’t work Says that i need to call sprint to activate it. Would be nice to fix this.
(Sprint 13.1, earlier versions work).
Did all as in tutorial — no result. No sms or EDGE working.
My info is in prev comment.
iPhone 4S 6.1, Sprint, GEVEY AIO v28
When i switch (for example in NCSettings) to 2G only, iPhone losts the signal, works only with 3G, works great on 3G, but 3G drains my battery.
How can i solve this?
hello. if to remove all sprint bundles, turn off – Power with Megafon sim, without aio5, to fall in activation, then take AIO5+Megafon. Good, I receive worked iphone 5 with 3g + mms and sms is solved.
one problem: without any sprint bundles, if iphone will online connect with wi-fi or 3g. I receive the importunate notice about it:
>Carrier Settings Update > not now or update.
if accept update, will install sprint 13.1 bundles on ios 6.1, for Raw\user\Library or Raw\Var\mobile\Library
The network bar immediate loss, operator update for sprint 13.1 and the activation on Megafon or Beeline will through international Roaming, through sprint data number, sms. One network registration cost 30 rub, or 1 usd.
if ground have low coverage, signal a network is repeatedly lost, and each time money, balance will loss for activation off by the sim operator.
this problem only with bundles Sprint 13.1 on ios 6.0, 6.01, 6.0.2
if ios 6.1 by update we receive new bundles Sprint 14.0
I save itself first 14.0 bundles and from Carrier Settings Update Sprint 13.1
14.0 not charge my balance for loss money with activation, the only with iphone on 13.1
It is a global problem of those who sees as loss balance.
if remove all bundles, AND work without bundle, with carrier default, the constant message will enrage for days on end, about: Carrier Settings Update
Need Cydia Tvick, for remove, or to fix it is Carrier Update message.!!!!!
i am also loking for a tweak to disable it
i found twaek named “carrier update remover”
source –
but i dont know if it’s that …
Украина, оператор Life
Короче, у кого не работает смотрите что надо делать. Когда отресторили айфон, джейлбрейкнули его, потом удаляете все как описано в тексте(так же не забудьте ужалить плисты в подпапках той папки их атм штук 5-6) вынимаете свою AIO и вставляете только сим своего оператора. Ждете когда загрузится и высветит activation needed — вставляете с AIO и вуаля. Все заработало. Иначе будет писать что нет сети (хотя будет работать) и не будет инета с смс.
Это нужно, чтобы без AIO айфон выкачал бандлы для вашего оператора. С АИО это невозможно.
– AFTER DELETEING FILES .PLIST (ALSO NOTE THAT DELETE ALL PLISTS IN ALL SUBDIRECTORIES) restart yout iphone without AIO, wait for activation message and than only put your aio inside. This is very important step, otherwise you get “no services” insead of operators name and NO edge or SMS working.
Thank you for this very useful information!
That helped me to solve me “no 2G” problem!
iPhone 4S 6.1 (sprint), russian carrier Beeline.
Hello! Will you can resolve trouble with iMessage and Facetime? iPhone 5 sprint 6.1
Hi I bought your card and am trying to sim unlock a 4s cdma running 6.1. I have tried all the setting in V3.0 and nothing is working, it keeps telling me the sim card is not compatible. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you.
Please explain what settings did you use Update Version etc..
RUS MTS dont work.
Working on sprint iPhone 4s 6.0.1.
Все работает и проверено на 10 телефонах (5) у меня. на 6.1 под Спринт. Ни один не подвел.
Проверьте что, все выполнено по инструкции.
Джейл. Удаление файлов, перезагрузка без симки АИО но с симкой оператора, и вставка АИО.
Подскажите, как заставить работать usim MTC?
Thank You So Very much!!!! Works perfect!!!! There is a intermidiate step of installing SAM package with enabled “hactivate” option to enable iphone to find a network manually when only sim is inserted. Then, after inserting sim interposer (x-sim, r-sim or whatever), disable hactivate option and click on “attempt activation” in SAM utilities. Anyway, thanks again for solution. My best wishes….
can you post a solution with iphone5 gsm
What do you mean, all are the same. The only problem you might have with AIO-SIM is that you try to use a new simcard (nano simcard etc.) You must try to find an old simcard model.
whay do you mean old ?
micro sim ? / usim ?
does it always doesnt work on a new nano sim ?
Old means the card that you need to cut in order to become nano sim and micro sim, if it’s allready cut that is for sure new and not work. We are testing some updates now for this cards and will soon update i think but until then new cards are not supported.
Please explain about the sim cards isue
i live in israel and i have a nano sim
is this Ok?
do i need to replace it to usim / micro sim ?
Hi i cant find signal iphone5 my sim is old can you post details for gsm fones
If you get “no services” check if you can call. When you remove budles (31020 and Sprint files) you should get this message, it’s ok. (just reload your phone without AIO and wait for activation message one time to fix it).
If you just get “no sim” try without AIO, if same — your sim may be damaged. Otherwise if your sim without AIO works — aio may be damaged. Try in other phone, with other sim. Contact also may be not tight enough.
Ary to clean up your sim with alcohol. Helped me once.
Nikita, I did the process and the iphone works, but i can’t sincronice with Itunes, two messages appers, “Actualizar ajustes del proveedor” and error 0xE8000065 how I fix this problem?
Can someone post full or partial IMSI for Virgin USA operator?
Works like a charm using a sprint iphone 5 6.1 following are the steps i followed
Deleted The files As Mentioned
Also Deleted the .plist files inside directories wireless/library
restarted the phone with the sprint sim
It Says iphone activated
removed sim and put in aio sim with carrier sim
enabled data roaming
and cellular data
entered carrier APN
And sms and data all working perfectly fine
Hope this helps.
Подскажите, как заставить aio5 работать с usim от МТС?
IPHONE 5, Sprint locked, IOS 6.1.2
Also confirmed jailbreak.
Работает посоны, обновлятесь и не бойтесь.
Не как не получается разблочить IPHONE 4s, IOS 6.1.2
Есть оригинальная симка, но считать её не могу на донгле. По гайду пробовал всё.
Оператор ,не Спринт, “LV LMT”.
На видео по гайду есть преднастройки для этого оператора (в видео вторая версия программы) ,в третий версии я его не вижу в списке преднастроек.
Джэйлбрейк стоит.
Помогите советом,
Вопрос решил. СПС
Здравствуйте, не могли бы вы оставить свои контакты, есть пару вопросов на которые не могу найти ответ. Заранее большое спасибо
what about MTS RUS and other nanosims (USIM)?
it’s not work with this instruction, it fall down in activation mode
!!!what about MTS RUS and other nanosims (USIM)?
it’s not work with this instruction, it fall down in activation!!!!
Please any one tell me exact sprint settings for 6.1??(PlZ)
thank you
one more thing i tested for all those who still get no service if u delete these plist files from private/var/wireless/library, u’ll be able to get network’s name!!!
found with me thanks a lot, y have a iphone 4s sprint 6.1.2 unlocked r-sim7
sms found, I deleted the Sprint_Virgin_US.bundle,Sprint_OTA_US.bundle,Sprint_US.bundle folders, and 1 plist file. Thanks
I did the process and the iphone works, but i can’t sincronice with Itunes, two messages appers, “Actualizar ajustes del proveedor” and error 0xE8000065 how I fix this problem?
gracias pude resolver el problema del 3g y los sms gracias
I did the unlock process, but when I restart the iphone .plist files reappear, what can i do?
anyone have the 300120 folder??? now dont show me the carrier name:S
on 6.1 – is working.
on 6.0 and 6.0.1 – is not working.
I have Iphone 5 Sprint i follow your instruction and delete folder of Sprint and File Above mentioned SMS working and after 2 days Mobile Restart and cannot working…. Please tell me what can i do can any one Send me these folder 310120 OR Sprint Folder 2 in Zip i upload in my Iphone may be working again
If any other Possible Solution Inform me I am waiting Admin…
I think you sould use the latest software to patch your phone and all will be ok!
I have an iPhone 5 that is locked to the sprint network on IOS 6.1.4. I made a nanosim from a microsim by hand, when I put the nanosim card in by itself it says no service which is a good thing because that means the phone is reading the sim card. However, when I put the nanosim on top of the AIO sim in the provided sim card tray, it says “no sim” no matter what I do. I updated two AIO sim’s just to make sure one wasn’t damaged and got the same effect. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
i have iphone 5… 6.1.4 sprint usa..
I have sms and 3g problem.. how can I solve it ??
plz help me
please use the iPhone 5 patch
Admin Help Plz
i am using Iphone5 iOS7 which is locked on SPrint network i unlocked it with R-sim6 now i am unable to send text message plz help me
Dear admin i am using Iphone5 iOS7 which is locked on SPrint network i unlocked it with R-sim6 now i am unable to send text message plz help me
hi, I have ip5 with iso 6.0.1. I tried with and w/o installing 3g patch? but allway have as result no service. the same card work perfectly on ip5 with ios 6.1.4. do I have to do jailbreak and deleting budles or I can just istall form cydia patch?
sorry I forget to mention ip5 sprint
This whole crap works for iOS7 with jaibreak on it.
I’ve just did it and confirm full 100% internet/imessaging/sms working.
“It works, bitches” 🙂
Just don’t forget to reboot your device between putting sim-card with/without AIO during procedure.
evad3rs have just released evasi0n 7 for all compatible devices on iOS 7 to 7.0.4.
What is aio-sim?
The chip between your sim and phone