Home How to iPhone 5 USIM simcards

iPhone 5 USIM simcards

Published on September 27, 2013 by in How to, News, Updates

During the last few days many people asked us about the UICC simcards (USIM,RUIM all are UICC…) and that the fact some are not compatible with AIO-SIM. Althow many are allready working with V2 we decided to release an update that should be compatible with other types of UICC simcards. This update should be used together with the iRose tool released some time ago on GSMForum. Here is one iRose installation you can use press the link to install on iOS 6 or iOS 7

All other settings should be the same as V2 or previous releases.

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17 Responses

  1. digfurka@gmail.com

    Excuse me for this words, but you are FUCKING AWESOME!!! 🙂

    Just tested, works perfect something that was not working for such a long period of time.

    Finally, solution this solves USIM cards and my problems.

    Thank you 100x TIMES!

  2. Very good job! V4 is stable.

  3. denny

    download link “press the link to install on iOS 6 or iOS 7” not working

  4. Mario

    i install ios 7.0.2 Whork signal, but no work internet 3G sprint, can you have the patch,

  5. Biggie

    Please answer
    Do your working on ios7 sprint 5/4s patch?
    When it will be available?

  6. Great Job! After installing iRose and restart the sim is working! Hurray, but 3G is not working (NOT CDMA PHONE). What is the solution, i used unlockit.co.nz….

    Best regards

    • Well i tested it more watching…the problem is chinasnow. Interesting, if i use Tesco Mobile / Lidl / Mol / National Post / etc. these can connect with carrier without iRose and can use the 3G. But when i install the patch, only EDGE can we use. The V4 update softvare is very good, i installed it to Gevey sim with AIO5V4S1…

  7. Larry_BML

    Same here O2 UK iphone 5, now is working with Vodafone RO, but only GPRS internet. I can’t use 3G. I used V4 – AIO5 RNANO and O2 settings.
    Is there any solution to use 3G? In settings/celular I don’t have 3G/LTE switch.

  8. Larry_BML

    And another problem beside GPRS mode, some times I find the phone with SIM FAILURE message. What can I do?

    • digfurka@gmail.com

      Try changing the sim card, usually the problem is in old or not-fully-functional sim card.

    • digfurka@gmail.com

      Hi Larry,

      I am dealing today with the exact problem as you had.

      Three different devices, 5 different AIO cards, all programmed with v4 nano – all behave in the same way: when I insert the card, it appears as there is No sim, after restart ALWAYS says: SIM failure.

      What can I do?

      PLEASE help!

  9. digfurka@gmail.com

    Same here, no 3G so far!

    Thanks the AIO crew in advance for the solution. 🙂

  10. It’s funny! After update iPhone 5 to 7.0.3, we had “No Service”. After uninstall chinasnow and iRose Tool, restarted the phone and working the new sim again! BUT only Edge…like always…

  11. Ravneet

    Helloo all, hello thozone how r u????

    I’m bit confused and want to know few things… I have this new AIRTEL 128k sim trying on germany iphone5. it always show sim failure and invalid sim, tried many gevey sim and one more new airtel sim. i tries irose also but the same thing. please help me in this. admin i’m using ur product from the very begining n dont use other sims such as xsim or rsim.. great follower of ur product. Please help me in this issue.. plz explain about 128k sim n all and does it cause problem in 4s also??


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