Home News iPhone 5 patches for Sprint and some other CDMA networks

iPhone 5 patches for Sprint and some other CDMA networks

Published on October 1, 2013 by in News, Updates

Hi,  we have been working last few days at solving the patch problems for iOS 7 Sprint and other CDMA carriers. Apple changed the security of their bundles and once your bundle reaches 15.0 there is no way to upload older bundles or other patched files. We will still continue to research this problem but for the time being no update is planned. Evaders team tweeted some time ago that they will release a jailbreak during the next few months and this is for the moment our only option on getting SMS/MMS/3G working on Sprint phones. Sorry to bring you this news but we feel that is important to keep you informed of our current progress.

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21 Responses

  1. rogerboogie

    Why not implement same code as v28 aio 4s , and use it on 5,5c & 5s , sure this Will Fix SMS and 3G problems on sprint ,verizon and all cdma/gsm iphone variants

    Cdma / Gsm iphones with aio ver 28 is fully tested on 4s , almost all sim work without problem , just some sims only work using. V24 & with old patch running on iOS 6.1.4 , 6.x.x ,

    • leo

      have phone’s 5 Sprint ios 6.1.4.

      There are 6 Update Versions in the software, i choosed V4 AIO 5 RNANO. I don’t know wheter it is correct, but all that i’ve got is activation outgoing calls with

      Network: Sprint LTE
      IMSI: 310120
      ICCID: No specific requirement
      GID1: No specific requirement
      Notes: iPhone 5 comaptible

      No incoming calls, no SMS, no phone options like call divert or call waiting. And also no internet. Maybe this problem could be solved with 3G patch, but when i click “apply” the update shows “99%, 6 steps” and crashes immediately. I checked the tutorial of applying patch on your site and reset all data and settings in the phone, but the result is the same.

      Dan gives no answer for three days, maybe you can help me with this issue?

      • Admin

        If the software crashes then probably the patch is not applied correctly. Please try another computer or make sure the AIO software is run as administrator and in a separate directory.

        • leo

          hi, started update manager on fresh new Windows user account. The patch was successfully installed! 3 G and outgoing SMS work.
          Still have problem with

          1. the device shows UNNOWN number and there is no phone options like call divert, call waiting and show the number
          2. Modem option and VPN are dissapeared.

          Any idea?

  2. Hello I have a iPhone 5 cricket USA iOS 6.1.4 but I don’t use whith any sim I live in Ukraine . How to unlock iPhone 5 cricket USA ???

  3. Ios7.0.4 iphone5 Sprint jailbroken. Tested working fine. Everything

    • leo

      do you have
      1. Options/Phone – your real phone number shown
      and phone options like call divert, call waiting?
      2. Options/Modem switcher?
      3. Options/LTE switcher?

  4. Adlet

    Can I update my iphone it is work with Irosetools?

  5. unlocknutz

    The steps to solving SMS problems for Sprint are:
    1. Jailbreak iphone
    2. Install iFile
    3. Us ifile and go to “System\Library\Carrier Bundles\” and delete 3 directories that say:
    310120 Sprint_LTE_US.bundle Sprint_Virgin_US.bunde
    Then go to Raw File System – ”var\Wireless\Library” and delete all the .plist files you can find there (not all dirs just the plist files !!)
    4. Reboot iphone
    5. Install 3G_Patch_for_6_1_3(4)_Sprint_KDDI_Softbank
    6. Reboot iphone with only the sim you plan to use wait for the activation message to come up and the signal to appear and then take out the sim and install the AIO chip with the sim.
    You should have 3g and SMS.
    I have done this method on several iphones they all have been successful.

    • rodny19

      this works in ios 7.x?

        • alex

          hi..is there any solution to unlock sprint iphone 5c bad esn with aio sim , there will be soon a special patch?

          • unlocknutz

            Try this with the 5c.
            1. Jailbreak iphone
            2. Install iFile
            3. Use ifile and go to “System\Library\Carrier Bundles\” and delete 3 directories that say:
            310120 Sprint_LTE_US.bundle Sprint_Virgin_US.bunde
            Then go to Raw File System – ”var\Wireless\Library” and delete all the .plist files you can find there (not all dirs just the plist files !!)
            4. Reboot iphone with only the sim you plan to use wait for the activation message to come up and the signal to appear and then take out the sim and install the AIO chip with the sim.

          • alex

            i tried but not working it goes to activation screen and cant activate with the settings SPRINT 5 , i think the problem is in new sims high speed used by Sprint ,they have another imsi and are gid 2 locked

    • alex

      what files need to be deleted for KDDI Japan ? i found only 2 files 4405 and KDDI_jp.bundle

      • Ross

        Hey alex!

        I’ve got an iphone 5 from Japan locked to AU too,
        I’m using the Heicard and I’ve managed to get reception, but it is Edge only and I can’t reply to the phone numbers I recieve SMS messages from because they have the country prefix in front of them,
        (in Australia it’s +61).
        This is using the Heicard, and it’s better than nothing.
        I’ve jailbroken and tried the patches on the r-sim repo but they don’t do much.
        I’ve tried all sorts of patched and I even have a serial number for the R-sim patch that was available for ios7.0.4 JB was released but It’s funny,,When I used that patch I used an r-Sim7+ and was able to get Data, I got a really good 3G signal but that’s all I got, couldn’t call out couldn’t receive calls so thats why I bought the Heicard.

        I would love to hear of anyone actually getting a Japanese Iphone 5 on ios7.0.4 to work properly so please email me ross_350@msn.com if anyone finds this message and can help.

  6. Soufiane Chraibi


    I have a locked iPhone 5 Sprint running on iOS 7.0.2 and unlocked using R-SIM, i have jailbroked it, installed the CDMA Patch from isamteam, finally worked! Signal bars showing! Then, i managed to Install the Commcenter patch for iOS7 from frankerer to get the outgoing messages bug and the APN fixed, but now i only have 2G 🙁

    Is there a way to get the 3G at this point? The 3G toggle isn’t available anymore! I used the “Force 3G” function from iR0se tool but no profile were installed!

    Any clues?
    Thank you!

  7. maremestera

    People pls stop talking about other sim tool in this forum!
    Alex: for KKDI Japan just program v7, delay 18, JP AU 5 (4405000) 5/5c/5s
    others: iRo0se tool from Chinasnow is for usim only to get signal (only on 2G, so no 3G or higher….)

  8. Sangeeth

    hello is there any solution for unlocking sprint iphone 5s/ 5c ? any news?

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