Home News V24 released for general public, new software BETA 5 uploaded to Downloads section

V24 released for general public, new software BETA 5 uploaded to Downloads section

Published on May 14, 2014 by in News, Updates

we did have some successes in testing V24 on 5S and 5C phones so we decided to release it for everyone. Keep in mind that we are still working to improve on this in order to be compatible with all simcards and all networks.
We also heard you and solved a lot of bugs in the latest 7.1 BETA4 software and we replaced that one with BETA5 in Downloads section. Please download the software again.
V24 ONLY WORKS WITH new 7.1 type of update software, you will not be able to apply correct settings with older software.
Please read the recommendations for our beta testers that we have published in previous posts regarding new update V24 and how to use it.

Best regards, AIO TEAM

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9 Responses

  1. dfani511

    I’m tring to make an AIO 5 for 5S 7.1.1 locken on O2,which is best settings for that network? I used ATT Default and other 2 but no succesful,every time I No service and activation require.

    • dfani511

      sorry ** locked on ATT US, I tried all IMSI from the list,but always it request an activation.
      Admin can you help me?

    • dfani511

      [sett] input IMSI: 311180347359229
      [sett] raw IMSI size:6 data:39 11 81 30 74 53 29 92
      [sett] input ICCID: 89014103243473592290
      [sett] raw ICCID size:0 data:98 10 14 30 42 43 37 95 22 09
      [sett] raw GID1 size:0 data:FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
      [sett] raw GID2 size:0 data:FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
      [sett] raw forcesim = 00
      [sett] raw delay = 25
      [sett] raw speed = FF
      [sett] raw mnclength = 02
      [info] AIO SN: 0xD1D78370
      [serv] 3 FREE updates remaining for your AIO5
      [serv] update size 11660
      [done] update complete.

      • Admin

        Usually the only IMSI you need for ATT 5S/5C is 310410. Other settings need to be default ones.
        there is one problem with your settings.
        [sett] raw mnclength = 02 must be 03. Please be sure the checkbox with MNC is 3 digits is checked !

  2. Paul

    Send me the settings of iphone 5s t mobile ios7.1 to: paul.raposo@me.com please

  3. Hi Team! When do we can reach the internet (edge or 3g) on 5S/5C from 7.1?

    • Admin

      We are studying now the options we have, some customer reported 3G working (by chance) and we are trying to replicate this in other circumstances. We will release soon BETA 6 witch will have more options when reading an operator simcard and we hope this will enable us to solve the problems regarding simcards and 3g also very fast. BETA 6 will be released in about 2 days.

  4. dfani511

    I have 2 iPhone 5S ATT here ,and none one doesn’t work .
    I can see the signal but it doesn’t work to activate it :(.
    I used US ATT Default

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