Some AIO-SIM customers will be happy today as we have good news of a working jailbreak for iOS 6, 6.0.1, 6.1 for all devices including iPhone 4s and iPhone 5.
The steps to solving SMS problems for Sprint are:
- Jailbreak –
- Install iFunBox –
- Go to Raw File System – “System\Library\Carrier Bundles\” and delete 3 directories that need to be deleted:
- 310120 ( this can be either a file – symbolic link or directory depending what software you use to browse your iPhone )
- Sprint_LTE_US.bundle
- Sprint_Virgin_US.bunde
- Goto Raw File System – “var\Wireless\Library” and delete all the .plist files you can find there (not all dirs just the plist files !!)
- Reboot and use AIO-SIM to unlock !
The same steps apply for other carriers only the files that you need to delete are different depeding on carrier’s network IMSI.
One of our users found out that if the carrier card is inserted without and then AIO-SIM is used (in this order) network name and EDGE/3G problem will be also solved. We confirm that this is a valid procedure and we ask you to test. Here is the post of our user Nikita:
“Украина, оператор Life Короче, у кого не работает смотрите что надо делать. Когда отресторили айфон, джейлбрейкнули его, потом удаляете все как описано в тексте(так же не забудьте ужалить плисты в подпапках той папки их атм штук 5-6) вынимаете свою AIO и вставляете только сим своего оператора. Ждете когда загрузится и высветит activation needed — вставляете с AIO и вуаля. Все заработало. Иначе будет писать что нет сети (хотя будет работать) и не будет инета с смс. Это нужно, чтобы без AIO айфон выкачал бандлы для вашего оператора. С АИО это невозможно.
FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING: AFTER DELETEING FILES .PLIST (ALSO NOTE THAT DELETE ALL PLISTS IN ALL SUBDIRECTORIES) restart yout iphone without AIO, wait for activation message and than only put your aio inside. This is very important step, otherwise you get “no services” instead of operators name and NO edge or SMS working.
AIO-SIM Community is thanking you Nikita and AIO-SIM Team also thanks you!