Home Posts tagged "iOS 7"

iPhone 5 patches for Sprint and some other CDMA networks

Published on October 1, 2013 by in News, Updates

Hi,  we have been working last few days at solving the patch problems for iOS 7 Sprint and other CDMA carriers. Apple changed the security of their bundles and once your bundle reaches 15.0 there is no way to upload older bundles or other patched files. We will still continue to research this problem but

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iPhone 5 USIM simcards

Published on September 27, 2013 by in How to, News, Updates

During the last few days many people asked us about the UICC simcards (USIM,RUIM all are UICC…) and that the fact some are not compatible with AIO-SIM. Althow many are allready working with V2 we decided to release an update that should be compatible with other types of UICC simcards. This update should be used

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