Home Posts tagged "updates"

V24 TEST firmware for Sprint 5S/5C released in TEST software and procedure for V23

Published on May 10, 2014 by in Updates

Hi, we have just released V24 AIO 5 firmware for testing purposes. To update the firmware list press SHIFT button while the software loads or install the software again in a different directory, if you wish. For Sprint USA the settings are IMSI:310120 GID2: 01, leave the MNC is 3 digit checkbox checked. 1. The

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About AIO-SIM and future updates (iPhone 5 already released)

Published on November 28, 2012 by in Updates

A lot of people asked us if we will stop working on this project. First of all AIO-SIM.COM website and the AIO-SIM name is a new project started 1 month ago. We do offer FREE updates also for the old GEVEY AIO NO CUT and GVAIO customers even thow the old projects are closed. The

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